Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Schedule and Team List

Here is a list of who is on what team, just for reference:
Team Mahaffey
Bethany Boaz
Sarah Mahaffey
Leah Cagle
Megan Rowe

Team Vasko
Gary Vasko
Julia Vasko
Matt Capen
Karen Capen
Susan Crain

Team Underwood
Laura Burton
Bob Grosser
Clark Underwood
Rich Edgar
Leanne Edgar

Team McNeil
Bill McNeill
James Young
Terri McNeill
Randy Ragar
Kelly Ragar
Lynette Lewis (out for 2-3 months)
I revamped the schedule with new team leaders' names. Here it is:



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Connections Central

Good morning, everyone!

I have a couple of important updates/reminders for you guys regarding guest services. Here goes:
  • We are making one MAJOR change this coming Sunday. Back where the "Book Nook" used to be will now be Connections Central. This is an area where guests can come back and speak to a guest services person in a less crowded, less noisy space. It will also make the team a lot more visible. The mugs will be back there, so it will eliminate running back and forth. Yay! Here is what I think would be a good way to position your teams from here on out:
    • Have at LEAST one person in Connections Central.
    • Keep at LEAST one person down near the posts with the information cards (those may be moved in the future, but we'd still need a guest services person milling around down there to guide people.) Two would be better down there, if you have the numbers. We need a person or two to guide people up to Connections Central, and to continue to guide people to classrooms, bathroom, etc.
    • Continue to put one person up on the landing area.
    • Eventually when teams are back up to 5 on a team, 2 in Connections Central, 2 milling around down by the posts, and 1 up by Kids Connection would be ideal.
  • We should continue to put the information slips guests give us on the WEST windowsill. I know there is a basket sitting on a table in the middle, but this is for something else. In order to make sure the slips get where they need to be, the windowsill is the place! :)
  • Soon, we will be getting bright green t-shirts to wear. This may seem yucky to some, but man it's going to make us more visible, and we all know this is something that is MUCH needed.
Thank you so much for serving on the guest services team! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! And, once again, if you know of anyone who would be willing to serve on our team, please let me know; I would love to contact them! Most of our teams are sitting at four members, and mine is at a mere two!

Have a great Wednesday!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fall Schedule

Good morning, fellow Guest Servicers!

I am a little behind with getting the new schedule out, however, this time it's not because it sneaked up on me. :) I have been trying to find someone to replace the Colognas as team leaders (their last day to serve on guest services was in August). If any of you would like to volunteer for that job, I would be highly greatful! You can see the description on the SUMC website, but I can tell you that your biggest role would be communicating with the team and me. Basically, letting your team know whose turn it is to stay until noon, and then getting with me if over half your team is gone and you need to switch with another team. PLEASE let me know if you are willing to take over this job! I am probably going to be doing some shifting of teams anyway, due to people leaving and movement of leaders.

Also, if you know anyone willing to serve in guest services, it would be great if you could contact them or let me know so I could! Ideally, we want 4-5 people on each team, and I think we are going to be a tad short.

So anyway, I went ahead and made the schedule and I will just continue to list it as the Cologna team until new leaders are found. Please be praying about finding new leaders and finding more people to serve on Guest Services!



Monday, July 2, 2012

Time & Talent Surveys-July 8

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.--Romans 12:6-8

Hello, all!

I know it's been AWHILE since I've posted on here, and I apologize. There are numerous reasons for this, but I won't go into them now. I hope everyone is having an amazing summer! Mine has barely begun, but vacation starts THIS SUNDAY when Keith and I fly off to Rome (yay!) 

Anyway, this weekend there will be something new/different to watch for. The Time & Talent surveys will be passed out during each service. The congregation is encouraged to fill them out before the offering and put them in the bags. However, they will also be told that if they are not done by the time the bag comes around they can give them to guest services. Be prepared to take them from anyone and everyone. There will also be a basket next to each Guest Services post (labeled) for people to drop their surveys into if you are not visible or are busy with someone.

I will be out of the country next week, so even though you probably wouldn't be expecting a blog update anyway, due to my recent lapse in doing them, if something DOES come up, the McNeill team will need to find Mark or Jim and ask them before their shift begins on the 15th! :)

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Summer Schedule

Hey, everyone! I just realized we are alarmingly close to summer! Here is the schedule starting June 3 (I just started it where we left off at the end of May, so normal rotation):




If there are any major conflicts (like half your team is on vacation), please let me know. We can usually get away with a few less each weekend in the summer, though. As long as we have 3 on duty, I think we can survive.  Have a great day!

Friday, March 30, 2012

April 1

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.--Romans 12:2

This verse stood out to me today because when springtime arrives I always think of renewal. While the earth is in this state of renewing itself and become fresh and wonderful again, it's such a good time for us to all do the same.

I can't believe it's April, which means summer is just around the corner...which means my daughter starting kindergarten is only months away! It's astonishing to me how quickly time passes. That was a bit of a ramble, sorry. :)

Okay, upcoming happenings:

  • The Good Friday service will be this Friday evening. I think people can come at any time between 6:00 and 7:30 that evening because small groups will be going around the church to reflect on the Stations of the Cross.
  • The Spring Prayer Retreat is coming up at the end of this month. It is April 27-28 and costs $40 a person. People can contact Janet Price for more information.

That is all that was "new" that I saw on the website for this weekend! See you Sunday!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 25

Hello, everyone!

I'm still not able to access the newsletter on SUMC's website, because I can't find it! But I do have a few updates just based on the SUMC homepage and an update from Liz. (I'm loving the new website, by the way, you should go check it out!) :)
  • There is a class for 3rd-5th graders during the 11:00 service. They meet in room 116 in the new children's wing, which is the 5th grade classroom.
  • There is a new "Kids' Sunday Classes card" in the racks.
  • The Easter Celebration is coming up NEXT weekend, March 31. It's from 8:00AM-11:00AM that morning, with TONS of fun things for the kiddos. They still need helpers!
And that is all I have! Have a great weekend!